Ehsan Elahi Fayyaz
4 min readJun 23, 2024

09 Natural Foods to Boost Immunity

Today, it is applicable more than ever to understand how one could improve people’s ability to build immunity. Taking raw foods is advisable for health since they contain nutrients that help the body fight diseases. To your surprise, the following are eleven natural foods believed to enhance your immunity.

Citrus Fruits

Oranges, lemons, grapefruits and any fruits that contain fluorides are undoubtedly going to keep the immune system healthy. Vitamin C also increases the internationally acclaimed available white cell,, which is popularly referred to as the white blood cell required in eradicating infection.


Garlic is one of the spices used today and has medicinal value apart from being a spice that has been in use for hundreds of years. It has allicin, which has been found to increase the effectiveness of the white blood cells and is therefore helpful in fighting diseases from viruses such as ones that cause flu or cold.


Ginger has an active constituent that qualifies it to be used in treating sore throat and any other inflammatory conditions. They also can reduce chronic painful sensations and were found to possess the ability to lower cholesterol as well.


It is noteworthy that spinach contains more vitamin C than fruits and vegetables, as well as multiple antioxidants and beta carotene, which can boost the effectiveness of our immune systems in the event of infection. Cooking in light increases vitamin A while the heat of oxalic acid degrades it, making other nutrients available.


A type of bacteria that is good for the body’s system, which is contained in yogurt, is called probiotics which help develop the immune system. When selecting the yogurts, it is advisable to consider those yogurts that are referred to as the live or active culture and in the process of choosing the yogurts, it is recommended that one should go for plain yogurt than the fruited ones.


Almonds have an associate antioxidant, vitamin E, which helps the body maintain its immune standing. A half-cup serving provides nearly all the daily recommended amount of vitamin E.


This yellow spice is one of the most used spices worldwide due to its ability to help against inflammation, and it has been used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis for a long time. Curcumin found in turmeric, which is responsible for the yellow pigmentation of the root, reduces muscle damage during exercise.

Green Tea

Surprisingly, green and black teas possess flavonoids that can be antioxidants. Some phytonutrients include epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), predominant in green tea and primarily boosts the immune system.


It also has a very high Vitamin C content – half a papaya yields more than 200 percent of the body’s needs. One of the chemical characteristics of the fruits is the presence of the papain enzyme used to remove heat.

These natural foods assist in the diversification of diet, which strengthens the immune system and effectively prevents diseases from entering the human system. This is why you ought to incorporate these foods into your diet so that the immune system can be in a position to safeguard your body against the usual infections.

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