6 Powerful Techniques to Overcome Procrastination

Ehsan Elahi Fayyaz
3 min read6 days ago


Regarding punctuality, it seems to be one of the issues that cannot be addressed during a learning process or working day. To overcome it, one has to use some strategies not only within the temporal dimension but motivational ones as well.

Here are some practical tips to help you conquer procrastination:

1: Be Rational:

It is better to split the work into even more trivial tasks and put time constraints on every single one. They assist in the clarification of large programs and ensure that the management is aware of them, and this is not difficult given the large size of the programs.

2: Prioritize Tasks:

Identify the critical tasks that are expected to be accomplished. It is at this juncture that one may use the Eisenhower Matrix to differentiate between tasks that require immediate attention and those that ought to be prioritized.

3: Create a Schedule:

Divide your day into times, and each task should be allocated a particular time slot. Adhering to schedules is still helpful since it means one gets to have a schedule and be on time.

4: Eliminate Distractions:

The problem here is interference, and the task is to describe all those things that hinder your thought, and one should, where possible, avoid them. This could be in the form of delaying the notifications to ensure that there are no sounds that may disrupt the break or even by setting a duration of the break.

5: Use Productivity Techniques:

Other examples, such as the Pomodoro Technique, where chores are divided into a work session of 25 minutes and a break session of five minutes, are also helpful, this is because they assist in increasing concentration and productivity levels.

6: Stay Motivated:

Consider how much you gain while contributing to the needs of others – and, more likely, you’ll be prepared to do your part as expected. On the employees, positive reinforcement should be used as much as they should be motivated or rewarded for doing a particular task within the required time and for any other reason.

It is readily assumed that this could, therefore, be easy to deal with procrastination and enhance efficiency through the above-outlined strategies.

Thank you for reading..

