Ehsan Elahi Fayyaz
4 min read6 days ago

Basics of Personal Finance Management

So many aspects need to be addressed in life; however, handling cash is crucial if one intends to grow, invest, or set up financially. Demystifying and mastering basic finance principles is not only a path to better financial choices and reduced stress but also better management of life.

Here are some fundamental aspects to consider. These are:


The act of preparing a financial budget is essential for one who desires to live economically. Budget helps to control how much money is earned and how much is spent to maintain a certain standard of living. On the receipts side, the income should be detailed. On the expenses side, they should be classified between fixed and variable expenses, where the fixed costs include those that cannot be changed, such as rent, electricity bills, and insurance.
In contrast, variable expenses include those extras like food, beverages, movies, etc. This can be done using other formats, tools, Microsoft Excel, apps, or budgetary software. Strive to ensure you do not spend more than what you earn & if possible, save part of the amount.

Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is money deposited for any unforeseen expenses such as medical bills, a broken down car, or job loss. The money that should be put in a readily accessible account is at least three to six months of living expenses, as the financial gurus advise. It is a kind of insurance that can prevent the use of credit cards and loans in distress.

Debt Management

Debts are also an aspect of personal finance and, as such, should be adequately managed. Due to this, it is recommended to pay off debts with high interest rates first, primarily credit card debts. These include the snowball technique, where you prioritize the smallest balances first, and the avalanche technique, where you prioritize the debts with the highest interest rates first. Avoid going further into debt through consumption and the proper handling of credit cards.

Saving and Investing

Saving is one of the activities of life for future activities such as purchasing a house, education, or any other future activities such as retirement. Therefore, having short-term and long-term savings goals serves as an effective way of maintaining motivation in the long run. For short-term needs, opt for savings accounts, money market funds, or CDs due to their security and liquidity. For long-term investment goals, the preferable method is stock trading, bond, or mutual trading because they yield higher returns in the long run.

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is always appropriate to begin to plan for retirement regardless of one’s age. Participating in retirement plans such as the 401(k) or the IRA presents an opportunity to receive both tax advantages and compound interest. Please contribute to the employer matching contributions where possible since it is free money from your retirement account. Ideally, it would help to increase your contributions proportionately with your salary/income.

Financial Education

Financial education is still essential to learn as much about personal finance as possible as often as possible. Keep on reading books, attending workshops, and listening to the financial news so that one can be in a position to know the proper practices as well as the state of the economy. This prepares you well for any incident that may be faced in managing finances.

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