Ehsan Elahi Fayyaz
4 min readJun 24, 2024

Top 5 Calcium-Rich Foods: Discover Their Incredibly Healthy Benefits

Calcium, as one of the body’s essential mineral nutrients, is vital in creating bones, muscles, and nerves. Adults should take about 1500mg of calcium per day, obtained from dairy products, but other foods can be taken to meet our daily Calcium requirement. Here are the top five calcium-rich foods and their health benefits.

1. Dairy Products

Examples: Milk, cheese, yogurt

Health Benefits:

Bone Health: For instance, calcium and fats in products such as milk, butter, and other related products like yogurts are significant in developing bones and teeth.

Muscle Function: Calcium is present in most dairy products, and it assists in contracting muscles and the heart, in addition to developing strong bones.

Weight Management: Some research has shown that low-fat dairy foods can help in consuming less food as a result of the feeling of satiety.

2. Leafy Green Vegetables

Examples: For this purpose, we will take the following types of lettuce, namely kale, spinach, and collard green.

Health Benefits:

Bone Strength: These greens also provide adequate amounts of calcium; this is needed in the support of bones to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis.
Antioxidant Properties: These green vegetables are another vital source of vitamins A and C. Both vitamins contain antioxidant compounds that help prevent damaged cells.

Heart Health: They also contain a lot of fiber which assists in maintaining low cholesterol levels, something that is vital if one wants to have a healthy heart.

3. Fortified Foods

Examples: Snacks like instant noodles, canned fruits, flavored yogurts, cereal bars, cereals fortified with vitamins and iron, orange juices, almond milk, soy milk, rice milk

Health Benefits:

Accessibility: Low-fat dairy products could be helpful where such products are readily available in bulk rather than packaged fortified foods to such groups of people as lactose intolerant or vegans.
Bone and Teeth Health: These foods may be a perception to replace the standard dairy products, which are good sources of calcium and essential in developing bones and teeth.
Overall Nutrition: Foods rich in vitamins are fortified foods that provide the body with more daily needs, including vitamin D, which helps in calcium absorption.

4. Fish with Edible Bones
Examples: Sardines, canned salmon

Health Benefits:

Bone Health: Having small and soft bones in their body structure, the bones of these fish are micro-structured and anesthetized calcium that helps make the bones strong.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These fish also contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are used to improve the health of the heart and is also used in reducing inflammation.
Protein Source: It delivers pure protein – the recovery nutrient to restore and reconstruct muscles.

5. Nuts and Seeds
Examples: It might include almonds, chia seeds or sesame seeds.

Health Benefits:

Bone Strength: Some nuts, seeds, and soy products are plant-based and can be used to meet the requirements of bones.
Healthy Fats: They contain oils that are packed with healthy fats, including omega fatty acids that are very useful in lowering LDL cholesterol, which is dangerous to the heart.
Nutrient Dense: As well, nuts and seeds are also rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, making it also suitable for consumption.

Therefore, incorporating these types of foods into the diet ensures that the body’s need for calcium in the diet is well met. If dairy is not your type or you do not often take it, there are many other methods of taking the much-needed calcium using plant products or foods containing the mineral.